We are pleased to announce the return of Dr. Raphael Nogier of Lyon, France to the USA in 2015. Dr. Nogier had originally planned to teach just once in the USA, due to his demanding teaching schedule throughout Europe. After meeting all of you who attended his first USA seminar in 2012, Dr. Nogier had a change of heart. He returned to teach in October of 2013 and 2014 and has agreed to teach once more in 2015. He has agreed to teach a three (3) day course which will cover basic information on Auriculotherapy, treating complex patients, and treating most types of pain, internal diseases, GI and respiratory issues. Learn from the man who was there, hear stories and events that may have never been told yet. The mornings will be didactic and the afternoons will be hands on clinical demonstrations performed by Dr. Nogier.
We are proud to announce the course location will be held at
Johns Hopkins University Montgomery Campus
9605 Medical Center Dr.
Rockville, Maryland 20850
The course dates will be October 15th, 16th & 17th 2015, from 9:00 Am to 5:00 Pm each day. As with previous years, Dr. Nogier has requested a small class due to his hands-on teaching.

The seminar will be taught in French by Dr. Raphael Nogier and simultaneously translated into English by Dr. Daniel Bossut. Dr. Raphael Nogier speaks English, but he is more comfortable teaching in French. Dr. Bossut has been the translator for Dr. Nogier at his past three seminars here in the USA. To learn more about Dr. Bossut, please CLICK HERE to read his biography and credentials.
The cost for this course is $795 USD.
The price of this course includes refreshments each day. Please let us know well in advance if you have any special food requirements. We will do our best to accommodate you.
Over the next few weeks our team will be working hard to bring you updates and a syllabus on what Dr. Nogier will be teaching.
Refund Policy: One (1) week or less from seminar no refund Five (5) weeks from seminar will be refunded at 50% Two (2) months from the seminar will be refunded 75% plus a 3% return fee. All refund requests have to be in writing to us at auriculotherapyseminars@yahoo.com
Dr. Nogier’s contact in the United States is John Howard, L.Ac he can reached at auriculotherapyseminars@yahoo.com or by phone at (240) 413-9211.